Staying Ahead of the SEO Curve
It used to be if you wanted to rank for a certain keyword, you just needed to use that phrase all over your web page.
But times change. Search engines continue to get more evolved and intelligent; the algorithms more complex. In order to weed out the good websites verse the spam the search engines look at more and more factors and relationships within a web page or website to determine it’s value to the searcher.
In the next evolution of the search engine algorithm those Exact Match Keywords techniques that the novice website owners have learn are becoming less valuable. Partial Match Keywords continue to grow in importance while creating a better user experience for the visitor. Admit it, how many times have you read a web page and fine yourself repeating the same term over and over again such this:
If you’re looking for tennis shoes, you’ve come to the right place. Our tennis shoe website is the best place to buy tennis shoes. You won’t find better tennis shoes or cheaper tennis shoes anywhere else. We invite you to check out our great selection of tennis shoes.
A better usage would be: Whether you play tennis on grass or clay courts, we have the shoes you need.
SEOmoz talks more about this in a Whiteboard Friday video.